VAM Update : Part II

VAM Update : Part I | TOWN HALL MEETINGS: FULL REPORT (Feb 5, 2020)
On December 20, 2018, March 4, 2019 and March 20, 2019, Community Town Hall meetings were held to gather community input regarding the methamphetamine problem on the Hopi Reservation. These meetings were coordinated by the Hopi Tewa Community Movement. Each meeting had more than 400 in attendance and provided robust forums to collect community input to support the development of robust action plans.
We will host two meetings for leaders, administrators, directors, and other individuals who play an influential role in our local community programs. These programs include but are not limited to: Village & Tribal programs/community centers, Tribal Government, Public Health Services, Law Enforcement, Social & Behavioral Health, and local Schools. The purpose of these meetings is to provide a comprehensive informative report and recommendations gathered from the community meth town-hall meetings. It is hoped that these recommendations are taken into consideration or influence for change and action.
One of the major recommendations for change and action from our community voices was the deep need for education and support. Several community members expressed the need for encouragement, motivation, and a “listening ear” for families trying to address their loved one’s addiction. They also stated the need for education on the drug itself and how families and community can effectively respond to the behaviors of addicted family members.
There is a strong need for the awareness of this issues, challenges, and more so the solutions to the problems we as a community face in terms of meth transportation, distribution, use, and impacts from abuse. We will purchase promotional items that will help share information on impacts of meth use, strengthening cultural ways of thinking, living, and doing, as well as items that will increase participation to Villages Against Meth events. Items include, posters, stickers, calendars, key chains, and magnets.
Update 3
Our education team is partnering with Hopi Behavioral Health and the Hopi Substance Abuse Prevention Center to create a uniformed presentation for Hopi that will be used to present prevention education around the issue of meth. Please send requests to our education team, Emerson Ami (contact).